Saturday, 21 October 2017

The jingle bell village. Part 3

We are ready to show the third installment of our new Christmas Village.

Siamo pronti a mostrarvi la terza parte del nostro nuovo villaggio di Natale.

Here how to build the Skating rink.
Ecco come si costruisce la Pista di pattinaggio.

When you have an entire village to manage what is better than a remote control for the tea lights?
Quando hai un intero villaggio da gestire cosa puoi volere di più di un telecomando per le tea lights?

The details of the City Hall.
I dettagli del Municipio.


  1. I purchased the first kit, but the score lines and the cuts don't match up on my Cricut. Any ideas about how to solve this?

  2. Dear Melissa, please have a look at the conversations on Etsy, it is by far an easier way to communicate


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