Saturday, 21 December 2019

Free Download A light in the Winter gift lantern. Una luce nell'Inverno, lanterna regalo

We are happy to share with the friends of our blog this small decorative lantern / small box with a winter theme.
The days have got shorter and shorter and we are in the darkest of winter, let's hope that the joy of the company of our friends and families will help us to arrive smiling to Spring time.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Siamo felici di condividere con gli amici del nostro blog questa lanterna/scatolina a tema invernale.
I giorni si sono fatti sempre più corti e siamo nel momento più buio dell'anno; speriamo che la gioia della compagnia di amici e familiari ci aiuti ad arrivare sorridenti fino a Primavera!
Vi auguriamo un Buon Natale ed un felice Anno Nuovo.


Scarica il file PDF1/ Download file PDF1
Scarica il file PDF2/ Download file PDF2
Scarica il file PDF3/ Download file PDF3

Scarica il file SVG1/ Download file SVG1
Scarica il file SVG2/ Download file SVG2

Scarica il file studio / Download file studio


  1. Thank you. I love these little houses.

  2. I have downloaded several of your free files. Thank you, I look forward to trying to cut them. I love houses and hope to create a Christmas village eventually.

  3. Thank you so much! What a nice surprise and beautiful little house.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Merci pour ce joli sujet
    bonne année

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  7. Thank you for the cut file, looking forward to making the tea light house

  8. Thank you! Shall be so fine on sunday when we having the 1st of advent here in Sweden.

    1. You are welcome! We wish you all a Merry Holy Christmas.

  9. Muchas gracias, bendiciones

  10. Un seul mot pour décrire votre blog : MAGNIFIQUE!

    1. Merci pour les 3 PDF. J'aimerais vous poser une petite question au sujet de l'impression. Pourquoi le pdf 1 et 2 n'impriment pas l'image au complet? J'ai utilisé du papier 81/2'' X 11. Dois-je convertir les document en jpg?

    2. No need to convert the file in other formats, but the PDF file is done to print an A4 sheet of paper. Dimensions for A4 in cm are 21,0 cm x 29,7 cm, that are 8,3 x 11,7 inches.

    3. Hi Zigtac, j'ai imprimé vos fichiers PDF avec du carton léger A4 et les glaçons sont imprimés sur 2 pages. Pour le reste, c'est parfait. J'utilise une imprimante au laser, c'est peut-être pour ça que la mise en page est différente. Je vais convertir les fichiers en jpg pour voir si j'obtiendrai le même résultat. Je possède de nombreux dossiers de villages de Noël et je n'ai jamais eu de problème avec jpg, que ce soit avec mon imprimante à encre et laser. Merci de partager ces maisonnettes!

    4. Bonjour zigtak, Comme je ne suis pas une experte en taille de papier, je croyais utiliser du papier A4. Ce n'est pas exact, j'utilise du papier 8,5'' (pouces) X 11''. C'est pour cette raison qu'il manquait une partie de l'image. Nous avons converti les PDF en JPG et les images sont complètes. C'est ma fille qui m'a renseignée sur le genre de papier que j'utilise sur l'imprimante laser ou à l'encre. Merci!

  11. Oups! Je disais que pour le reste c'était parfait, j'a découpé les 3 pages et il manquait une partie de la toiture et une partie de la petite décoration avec un anneau et un cercle.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I had the chance to control all the files and I must say that are perfect, so I hardly can imagine which is your problem, sorry:)

  12. Many thanks 🙏

  13. Many thanks for the house files. Very creative way to hold the tea light!

  14. Bonjour. un grand merci !

  15. Thank you.Merry Christmas!

  16. I believe there may be a problem with your A light in the Winter gift lantern. The single side of the lantern is too short to fit the adjacent sides of the lantern. Could you please check? I’ve download and cut it twice and both times that side is too short.

    1. The file is perfect. You must know that some software often resize the files.

    2. All other pieces in that one file fits perfect. Only the piece is mention is wrong. I do have a photo I’ve taken of the icee compared to the others.

    3. How can the software change one piece of the file and all others fit fine? Cute design, a shame it’s defective. Thank you

    4. The PDF is also showing the piece too small. Check your files, they are both showing the same error. Sadly.

  17. Hello, Is there a video that shows how to put this house together? I am having a very difficult time. Thank you for the SVG.. most kind of you to share your skill!

    1. You are welcome! Sorry no video. The pictures in the blog explain the procedure.
      In the first you see where all the pieces will go. In the third you can see how to fold the roof slopes. In the fourth how to close with the clips after having glued the inside. In the fifth you can see the folds of the snow that must be glued under the roof and the folds of the rattles to glue on the front and at the back under the roof pitch. Looking at the fifth picture compared to the seventh where you can see the finished house you have no doubts left. In the sixth picture you can see the folds of the tea light container, close it placing the glue on the 3 tabs and fix it as in the seventh picture.


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