Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Falling stars / Stelle cadenti

As last year we created a postcard to send to friends to celebrate the falling stars night, August 10th.
This time our postcard/windshield for “anti-mosquitoes” candels is inspired by an Italian poetry classic entitled “X august” by Giovanni Pascoli, this is a poem that everybody knows in Italy as it is studied in primary or secondary schools. It is a very sad poem, the poet says he knows why during San Lorenzo night the sky is crying stars and tells the autobiographical story of his father killed on his way home (and the horse arrived without him).

Come l'’anno scorso abbiamo fatto una cartolina per celebrare la notte delle stelle cadenti, il dieci Agosto, san Lorenzo. Questa volta la nostra cartolina è ispirata alla celeberrima poesia “X Agosto” di Pascoli.

 San Lorenzo , io lo so perché tanto
di stelle per l'aria tranquilla
arde e cade, perché si gran pianto
nel concavo cielo sfavilla.
Last year all the postcards but one arrived to destination, this time we hope to get a 100% score.
L'’anno scorso una sola delle cartoline non è arrivata a destinazione, questa volta speriamo in un successo al 100%.


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